Frequent Questions

Promote the construction, the implementation and the consolidation of strategic plans for internationalization of institutions contemed in the knowledge areas prioritized by them; Stimulate international networks research formation  with a view to improving the academic production quality linked to graduate studies; Expand the actions to support internationalization in the graduates studies of the contemed institutions; Promote professors and students mobility, focousing on graduate candidates, PhD students and professors abroad and abroad for Brazil, linked to stricto sensu graduate programs with international cooperation; Promote the participating institutions transformation into an international environment; and integrate other actions to promote CAPES to the internationalization effort.

Assistance for work missions abroad;

Resources for project maintenance;

Scholarships abroad:
split-site doctoral program;
Visiting Professor Jr. (old PhD with  employment relationship);
Visiting Professor Senior (old senior Internship abroad);
summer/winter schools.
Scolarships in the country
Young Talent;
Visiting Professor;

Until 4 years starting from November 2018

The announcement 001.2019 - split-site doctoral program – visiting professor, Young talent, PhD, capacitations and work missions, embraces all the scholarships with indication for the year 2019, respecting CAPES calendar of  indication and implementation.

1. For which scolarship modalities the proficiency is required?
According to ANNEX XII CAPES with amendments, for for split-site doctoral program and training modalities.
2. What is required for visiting professor jr. and visiting professor senior modalities abroad? 
According to ANNEX XII CAPES with amendments, candidates for those modalities must submit a destination IES document stating that the candidate has sufficient language proficiency for the proposed activities or any proficiency certification required by destination IES.
3. When the candidate should submit the proficiency level certification in the foreing language?
When implementing scholarship by CAPES, the candidate must present a valid proficiency proof in the language of the destination country, according to the requirements.
4. Proficiency necessity for Portuguese-speaking countries.
According to ANNEX XII CAPES with amendments, “1.7  the candidate who claims scholarship to the destination Portuguese-Speaking countries institution must, mandatorily, present proficiency proof in English, as described in item 1.1.”
The professors who work in graduate programs led by UFBA, or with UFBA participation, but who aren't UFBA professors aren't eligible for the PrInt scholarships. The announcement requires institutional linking with the university contemed.
These researchers must compete in the PrInt of their institutions, but if the graduate program wasn't included in the PrInt, the researchers can compete directly in the programs/edicts of CAPES regular internationalization (example of PVE) , which are kept, while UFBA professors can compete only in PrInt UFBA.
The principle is that the same professor/researcher cannot compete in PrInt and in a CAPES regular program and the agency will verify this by the records of Sucupira.

Yes, the PPGs that do not participate in the PrInt proposal may normally compete with the CAPES edicts.

Only PPGs's professors envolved in the PrInt can benefit from the program's resource.