English language proficiency level

1. For which scolarship modalities the proficiency is required?
According to ANNEX XII CAPES with amendments, for for split-site doctoral program and training modalities.
2. What is required for visiting professor jr. and visiting professor senior modalities abroad? 
According to ANNEX XII CAPES with amendments, candidates for those modalities must submit a destination IES document stating that the candidate has sufficient language proficiency for the proposed activities or any proficiency certification required by destination IES.
3. When the candidate should submit the proficiency level certification in the foreing language?
When implementing scholarship by CAPES, the candidate must present a valid proficiency proof in the language of the destination country, according to the requirements.
4. Proficiency necessity for Portuguese-speaking countries.
According to ANNEX XII CAPES with amendments, “1.7  the candidate who claims scholarship to the destination Portuguese-Speaking countries institution must, mandatorily, present proficiency proof in English, as described in item 1.1.”